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The All-New Dining/Menuitem Search Engine

 Search Overview 

Welcome to version 1.0 of our new Dining/Menu Item Search Engine. Its the only dining/menuitem search engine on the net for the Walt Disney World restaurants. Even doesnt have this! You can now search for restaurants for any park/resort/location you choose, see the menu items of that restaurant and even get a custom map drawn on-the-fly showing the exact location.

 Money and Time Savings 

You have just been given the power to unlock the biggest problem while IN the Walt Disney World Resort. So what problem could we have possibly solved? Ever been to a theme park or even Disney for that fact and wondered where something is at? Imagine if you will... Your standing in front of the castle chatting with your family/friends and then it hits want a rootbeer float! You check out the map, isnt happening... go to the nearest cast member...they might know...or you can come here and we WILL KNOW. Simply select the Magic Kingdom park from the dropdown list and type in "float" in the search terms and we will give you every location in the magic kingdom that sells floats.

Another example, how many times has this happened to you? You are standing in front of the liberty tree tavern looking at the menu posted out front, sounds good but you are not sure if you want to eat there or at Tony's town square restaurant. The problem is that you dont know what tony's serves. WE DO! Simple select the magic kingdom from the drop down and select "tony's" from the list to see the menu items without having to walk to the entrance of the magic kingdom to only find out that you dont like anything on the menu. You now have the power to truely save time and money while at the Walt Disney World Resort.

 Information is Key 

Having the information you need to make on-the-fly decisions WILL make your trip more enjoyable. I cant tell you how much time I have spent wandering around the parks looking for something that everyone likes. Our pain is your gain! We provide everything you need to get what you want and need. Not only will we show you the location AND prices, we will also highlight it on a custom map that has been created on-the-fly just for the location you selected. Want to see what other items they have on the menu, no problem. Have the disney dining plan? We will show which restaurants accept the dining plan and the type credits required. We will show you the menu from that dining location and we will even highlight the menuitem that you were searching for. Other sites simply show you the menuitems IF you know where the restsurant is and the name...but we give you the power to search with very general prior knowledge required. There are well over 200 dining location with over 10,000 menuitems in the walt disney world resort, do you know their names, locations or menuitems? dont need to.

 This is great...How do we use it? 

Thats the easy part...looking for a restaurant somewhere? use the Restaurants Search. Looking for a specific item, use the MenuItem Search.

When searching for a restaurant, simply select a location from the dropdown list and we will display all the restaurants for that location. Maybe you want to see where all of the character dining locations are at? Select "Character Dining" from the dining type dropdown and we will show you all the restaurants with character dining. On a budget, search by price range. Mix and match the dropdowns as you wish. Once you have located a restaurant, simple click the restaurant name link and will show you the menuitems for that restaurant. Dont know where the restaurant is located? Click the "Where is This?" link and we will draw you a custom map highlighting the restaurant on the map.

When searching for menu items, the power is in the search term used. Type the item you wish to find...just like google. Helpful tip! When searching for items, use more generic terms. For example, if you are looking for a hamburger, search on "burger" instead of "hamburger" to widen the results. To narrow your results, be more specific. Once you have selected your search terms, select search and we will highlight all of the search terms specified. Play around with it to get the feel of it.

 Whats next for the search? 

We are just getting started with this. Right now, we just have dining locations and you are only able to take advantage via a mobile device that has a full HTML browser. When our next version is released (1.5), you will be able to search via This will be a new section of the site dedicated to mobile devices where we are more sensitive to bandwidth usage. Speaking of mobile devices, look for our new app for the iPhone after the first of the year. With the iPhone app, not only will you get the search features listed here but we will be able to give you directions from your current location to the restaurant. As we move toward version 2.0, we will have every item (consumables) carried in every store for every resort and theme park. We expect our menuitem database to grow to over 100,000 searchable items.

 Search Quick Tips 

When Searching Restaurants:

  • Use as many filters as possible to narrow your result set. There are alot of locations.
  • Clicking the restaurant name will give you the menu item list.
  • Clicking the location name will take you to the page that discribes the location..i.e the resort page.
  • Clicking the "Where is it?" link will give a map of the location (resort/themepark) and highlight exactly where the location is on the map..

When Searching Menuitems:

  • Use as many filters as possible to narrow your result set. Having 30 items in the result set may not help.
  • When searching by search term, each word entered will be its own search criteria. Its like using an OR. For example, searching "Rootbeer Float" will search the database for menuitems that contains the word "Rootbeer" or "Float" and will return it back if it finds it. So searching for "burger" and "coke" is probably not a good idea..but you can.
  • If your results are to many, narrow your results by being more specific in your search term.
  • If your results are to few, widen your results by being more general in your search term.
  • Selecting the menuitem name, will take you to the menu for that restaurant WITH the menuitem highlighted
  • Selecting the restaurant name, will take you to the menu for that restaurant WITHOUT the menuitem highlighted
  • Clicking the location name will take you to the page that discribes the location..i.e the resort page.
  • Clicking the "Where is it?" link will give a map of the location (resort/themepark) and highlight exactly where the location is on the map..