
Spaceship Earth is Future
World's landmark adventure. Dramatic new scenes in the attraction and its post
show depict life in the 21st century's Global Neighborhood. With
all-new narration by actor Jeremy Irons and an impressive new musical score,
guests experience a time-travel journey from the beginning of time to the
electronic age. Spaceship Earth, the visual and thematic centerpiece of Epcot,
weighs 16 million pounds -- more than three times that of a Space Shuttle fully
fueled and ready for launch. The outer skin of Spaceship Earth is
made up of 11,324 aluminum and plastic-alloy triangles. Also, did you know that
rainwater never falls off the sphere? It’s absorbed into the ball and funneled
Scenes of scientific achievements, international fellowships and life in our
“Global Neighborhood” add a dramatic new twist to the story of human
communications from the beginning of time to the electronic age within Spaceship
Earth, the symbol of Epcot at Walt Disney World Resort.
The attraction is Future World’s landmark adventure.
As guests soar through time and space within the famed 180-foot silver
geosphere, they see innovative, interactive television and digital
communications at work -- bringing life-saving medical technology to wilderness
homes, helping archaeologists share distant discoveries with home base instantly
or creating electronic bridges that close gaps in human understanding.
In one scene an American boy and a Japanese teen-age girl exchange
experiences via video telephone. He shows today’s karate class; she shows video
of her home run in last night’s baseball game. With narration featuring the
powerful voice of actor Jeremy Irons and an impressive new musical score, the
Spaceship Earth production includes dazzling visual effects; floating images of
current newscasts on giant screen, super-definition TV; “virtual reality”
classrooms of the future; and a breathtaking planetarium visualization of the
universe around the “Earth.”
Larry Gertz, show producer for the new production, said major changes were
made to humanize the story of communications and to provide a complete storyline
with a beginning, middle and end, tracing man’s ability to overcome distance and
language barriers through improved communication concepts and new technologies.
First acts of the drama trace development of language and literature from
caveman days through Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations to the Renaissance,
printing press and industrial and electronic age communication.
Familiar scenes starring Audio-Animatronics® actors have been enhanced with
fiber-optic visual effects, new lighting and sound, plus an improved ride system
that reduces vehicle noise during the sharp ascent and the precipitous plunge
through the new Act III where images seem to float in space.
At the end of the 14-minute journey through time, invites guests to
sample its Global Neighborhood in an interactive computer-video wonderland. The
post-show area includes:
- Interactive Wonderland -- guests explore the information highway with
Alice and the Cheshire Cat -- video shopping, movies-on-demand and film critic
reviews, or viewer-choice sporting event broadcasts and the camera angles for
viewing them.
- Communications Breakthrough -- a video-telephone game played against
other guests where players are challenged to knock glass bricks from a
computer-graphic wall with electronic “paddles” to build a communications link
with other participants.
- What’s in a Word -- guests translate humorous idioms from one
language to another, demonstrating the difficulty and potential of electronic
- Electronic Finger Paint, Portrait Puzzle and Color Match -- three
games illustrating communications which do not depend on language.
- Story Teller Phones -- guests can phone friends or relatives and
choose appropriate sound effects from a video wall to “fool” friends into
thinking they are calling from a jungle, a haunted house or a cartoon
Spaceship Earth’s 16-million-pound, 180-foot-high geosphere has been
recognized as Future World’s dominant landmark since the opening of Epcot in
1982. The attraction helps introduce and complements Innoventions, Epcot’s
ever-changing exposition of amazing products for the near future.